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Re: Vesti i aktuelnosti

Postby Goca_64 » 09 Jun 2011, 17:49

AirBall wrote:Soderling ne igra protiv Srbije u Davis Cupu... ... 55969.aspx

O'lichno :jupi: !
Samo mi je jos on falio. Ovako mogu laganini da upisu tri boda nasi momci.
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Re: Vesti i aktuelnosti

Postby Sony » 09 Jun 2011, 18:22

''Понављам, фудбал се игра на терену и тешко је ову екипу Партизана победити на дуже стазе'' - рекао је бивши тренер Партизана.
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Re: Vesti i aktuelnosti

Postby Milutinov Tata » 09 Jun 2011, 18:39

AirBall wrote:Soderling ne igra protiv Srbije u Davis Cupu... ... 55969.aspx

Nadam se da je istina, ovo sam prizeljkivao da cujem vec tri meseca. Uoste mu ne treba put u Svedsku, jes da ostaje bez bodova, ali ima vise odmora, nadoknadice to ovde kod mene u komsiluku :gitara:
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Re: Vesti i aktuelnosti

Postby Dejan » 10 Jun 2011, 13:17

Rafael Nadal: Who’s His Stronger Challenger, Roger Federer or Novak Djokovic?

If anyone is not aware of the men holding down the top three spots in the tennis world, you have to have been living under a rock, as the old cliché goes.

We just saw a great showcase in the French Open. For a while now, there has always been great discussion of the Nadal-Federer matchup or as it’s most commonly referred to: the rivalry. Their French Open final received the highest television rating since the 1999 final. It has simply become an unspoken, expected truth that one or the other would hold the No. 1 spot.

But over the last few years, there has been another player working hard to join this contest of tennis skill. That person, of course, is Novak Djokovic.

As Djokovic has made a bold leap onto the scene with his phenomenal start to 2011, he has added a new twist, offering a challenge to both Nadal and Federer. However, though this contest is looked upon by many as an all-around challenge, each man against the other two, one angle seems to draw more discussion.

Nadal has and continues to be the person that has to be defeated if one is to attain the No. 1 ranking. And that being the case, the question becomes, who challenges him the most, Federer or Djokovic?

My answer: Novak Djokovic


No one can deny that Roger Federer is a great tennis player. That’s a fact. However, at the moment, he is simply not playing at a level that could offer a real challenge to Nadal. I don’t feel that he would be able to place Nadal in a vulnerable position and maintain it continuously. I think his best right now is a set or two here and there, as he did at the French.

On the other hand, Djokovic is another situation. It’s just the opposite.

At this moment, he’s better at making Nadal vulnerable. My reasoning is his agility and court coverage. These are the two areas that Nadal has been able to use as weapons against his opponents, and Djokovic has shown that he can neutralize them enough to win matches. Djokovic has managed to elevate his game in these two areas through a strict nutritional and physical training program.

Nobody can tell how things will turn out. We will just have to continue watching. Here, I’ve given my opinion on Nadal’s strongest challenger. What about you? Who’s your choice? Do leave comments below.
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Re: Vesti i aktuelnosti

Postby Saint-Tropez » 11 Jun 2011, 09:28

Martina Navratilova (sa FD):
Martina Navratilova is in Birmingham this weekend and she gave a quick presser to talk, well, about anything and everything. She thinks the grass season should be longer, suggested we bring a jacket to Wimbledon, compared herself to a dolphin (75% play, 25% looking for food) and said that the charity actually got more money because she made headlines for not making up that damn mountain. "It's just like when I was playing. I got more headlines if I lost then if I won. Backhanded compliment, I guess."
Here are her thoughts on the Wimbledon fields:

"I have no idea you know. It's wide open. On the men's side you have to look the top four. I don't see body, maybe Soderling, though he hasn't played that well this year, so the top four are the heavy favorites. Murray more so now because he did so well on the clay, Djokovic is playing the best he's played in his career, Federer played the best French he's played but a lot of that is because of the balls. Basically, with these balls on grass I'd pick Federer for sure. The balls they play with now, from what I understood, are pretty heavy, the players were struggling, which will help Nadal tremendously, I think Djokovic will be ok, I think it'll hurt Roger. But Roger's played some of his best tennis at Roland Garros. So it will be exciting on the men's side.

On the women's side, if Li Na can cope with all of the attention that I'm sure she's getting now she's got a good shot at it. And she does well on grass. She won here last year and her game transfers well on every surface. Maria Sharapova now, I think she's the betting favorite. She'll be ready. She loves the grass and she'll be pretty confident after the French.

The Williams Sisters, it's such an unknown. They could be in the final or they could go out in the second round because they haven't played. If Serena wins, is it because she's that good or is it because the rest of the field of women's tennis is not so good. I think it would be a little bit of both. We'll see how she's hitting the ball when she comes out. She's playing Eastbourne. But it's like betting on a horse that you haven't seen run yet. She's a triple crown winner. She'd be a favorite no matter what. Am I going to get in trouble that I compared Serena to a horse? She's a thoroughbred that's for sure."
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Re: Vesti i aktuelnosti

Postby Goca_64 » 11 Jun 2011, 10:22

Saint-Tropez wrote:Martina Navratilova (sa FD):

...So it will be exciting on the men's side.

Uopste ne sumnjam da ce biti vrlo exciting :uzbud: .
I vrlo opasno po slabe zivce. Mozda je bolje da odgledam samo prvu nedelju, a da za drugu nedelju Wimbija isplaniram odmor... kako sam i uradila lane. Ma, sta vredi kad sam i tad jurila po Losinju da navatam u nekoj kladionici polufinalni mech. Jos na moju nesrecu, dosli i neki Chesi da gledaju. Ljudi su se s pravom radovali i slavili svaki poen, a ja ko, da prostite, popishana. Mrzela sam ih najstrasnije i u par navrata sam dobijala sumanutu zelju da im pridjem i saspem pice na glavu... i naravno da kidnem :fies:
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Re: Vesti i aktuelnosti

Postby Liv » 11 Jun 2011, 17:36

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Re: Vesti i aktuelnosti

Postby Milutinov Tata » 11 Jun 2011, 18:01

Evo slucajno u ovom postu Liv o sestrama videh i ovaj o Na Li sa RG. Ne znam da li ga je neko postavio ranije, samo da primirim one koji misle da su kola RG kriva za Novakov poraz :biggrin: . Ima dobar komentar i o Jeleni :laugh:

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Re: Vesti i aktuelnosti

Postby Maki » 11 Jun 2011, 20:15

Tata,nisi u pravu zato sto se Li Na vozila kolima nege na sredini turnira a ne dan pred mec,a to je velika razlika! :lollol:
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Re: ATP TOUR 2011

Postby Maki » 11 Jun 2011, 20:28

Krenuli su pritisci za sve pare..... :facepalm: Procitajte ovaj tekst molim vas. ... je-Novakov
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Re: ATP TOUR 2011

Postby ivana23 » 11 Jun 2011, 21:01

Maki, nemoj da se uzbudjujes. Znas kako se kaze - Masta moze svasta. To prevashodno vazi za medije, cast izuzecima, ako ih uopste ima. :teacher:
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Re: Vesti i aktuelnosti

Postby M.S. » 11 Jun 2011, 21:10

Ma ja Federeru verujem. On kada hvali, hvali samo one koji valjaju. A i definitivno sad malo vraća Nadalu.
Najbolji je režim za sve ljude. Najgori su ljudi za sve režime.
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Re: Vesti i aktuelnosti

Postby loki » 11 Jun 2011, 21:51

M.S. wrote:Ma ja Federeru verujem. On kada hvali, hvali samo one koji valjaju. A i definitivno sad malo vraća Nadalu.

:shock: Where did this come from :njanja:

Ja ponekad Federeru i verujem (mada vishe mislim da on prichu o drugima uvek koristi za stavljanje pritiska na iste, al' i precutno priznavanje da na njih treba staviti pritisak mu dodje kao neka vrsta pohvale :D ), al' nashim novinarima kad prevode ne verujem nishta. Ovo je verovatno intervju od Davida Ferrera, koga su pogreshno preveli kao Federer, a Shpanija preveli kao Shvajcarska (u tekstu verovatno pricha o omiljenoj hrani, a teniska pricha je takodje plod pogreshnog prevoda). :D
Poenta je da bih bash voleo da vidim neki original ovog intervjua, jer mi je iznenadjujuce za Fed-a da ovo izjavi :)
Another thing. This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. And grow up. And move on.
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Re: Roger Federer - Umetnik sa reketom

Postby Sony » 11 Jun 2011, 22:16

''Понављам, фудбал се игра на терену и тешко је ову екипу Партизана победити на дуже стазе'' - рекао је бивши тренер Партизана.
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Re: Vesti i aktuelnosti

Postby Liv » 11 Jun 2011, 22:35

loki wrote:Poenta je da bih bash voleo da vidim neki original ovog intervjua, jer mi je iznenadjujuce za Fed-a da ovo izjavi :)

Nigde nisam nabasala na slichan tekst na engleskom. Meni izgleda kao proshirena verzija onoga shto je rekao nakon mecha s Novakom - da Djokovic igra sjajno i da ne vidi zashto ne bi nastavio tu svoju partiju i na Wimbledonu. Dodaj tome umetnichku slobodu nashih novinara i dobijesh ovaj gore chlanak :biggrin:
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