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Andy Roddick

Re: Andy Roddick

Postby Gama » 06 Jul 2011, 23:07

Ovde, moram da priznam, da se slazem sa Rodikom
I don't care when people use the term "one-Slam wonder" with me. (Actually, nearly half of the major winners in the Open era — 24 of 51 — fit that category). People say it as a bad thing. The people who say it I swear don't have a Grand Slam title. I think the term "wonder" suggests you have won one and gone away. I've played in five Grand Slam finals. I haven't gone anywhere. I've been here the last decade. You'd better be pretty good if you're going to throw that term around nonchalantly.
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Re: Andy Roddick

Postby alcesta » 06 Jul 2011, 23:15

Ne volim ga, ali potpuno je u pravu. Uvek me je to nerviralo. Nekad mi se čak čini da su igrači s jednim slemom potcenjeniji nego oni bez ijednog, valjda što kao nisu ispunili dalja očekivanja. :roll:
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Re: Andy Roddick

Postby Gama » 03 Aug 2011, 21:12

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Re: Andy Roddick

Postby Gama » 17 Aug 2011, 01:30

Roddick is great when he gets ahead. But any speck of trouble, and he falls apart. That’s not new. What is new is this:

Roddick gave up. He stopped running for balls. His comfort wasn’t in winning, but in whining. That was pretty stunning, as he took a 7-6, 4-2 lead over Phillip Kohlschreiber, and then lost 6-7, (7-5), 7-5, 6-1.

He just quit trying. Why? I think it’s starting to hit him that he isn’t going to win another major, that his time as a top tier player has passed, that his career isn’t going to end up the way he expected.

He can’t deal with that, so he finds something else to focus his frustration on.

You should have heard Roddick in this argument. He drilled the ball into the stands, and just kept looking for another angle to argue. He had to be right about something.

“Have some common sense, will you?’’ Roddick said. “You guys getting involved is not what (fans) want to see.’’

“If you don’t hit the ball as hard as you can. . .’’ the chair ump said.

“If I hit the ball as hard as I could, we would not be having (this discussion),’’ Roddick said. “At least, at the bare minimum, let’s deal with the facts.’’

Bingo. It was just like the right foot/left foot argument. Did he hit it as hard as he could into the stands, or just very hard?

Who. Cares?

“Don’t give me that crap of `You hit the ball as hard as you can,’ ’’ Roddick said, unable to fight Kohlschreiber anymore, and instead choosing to fight a guy who is paid to keep sitting in a chair.

Roddick said something about the dumbest rules in sport, and then the thing about not dancing unless there’s music.
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Re: Andy Roddick

Postby Panta » 18 Aug 2011, 16:20

Manje-vise tacno, samo mislim da ovaj deo koji se odnosi na to da mu karijera nece ispasti kako je ocekivao, bas i nema veze sa realnoscu.

Prvi igrac na svetu, 10 godina u top 10, GS i 4 finala, 5 mastersa, ne da nisu za bacanje, nego predstavljaju sjajnu karijeru.

Makar ne osvojio vise nijednu titulu, mislim i da on ne misli drugacije.
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Re: Andy Roddick

Postby Milutinov Tata » 19 Aug 2011, 06:36

Mislim da je poenta da sigurno posle US Opena 2003, nije ocekivao da ce mu to biti jedina GS titula, niti da posle te godine nikada nece biti ni blizu prvog mesta. Mora se priznati da ima iza sebe zaista odlicnu karijeru, ali sigurno nije to sve sto je on zeleo. Relativno je to.
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Re: Andy Roddick

Postby georgina » 19 Aug 2011, 10:09

iako sam daleko od fana, pa cak i postovaoca, ipak sam zelela da on uzme wimbi u onom finalu sa fedom. mislim da bi mu to bila bas kruna dugogodisnje karijere. ovako, ostao je verovatno gorak ukus u ustima
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Re: Andy Roddick

Postby Panta » 19 Aug 2011, 16:33

Milutinov Tata wrote:Mislim da je poenta da sigurno posle US Opena 2003, nije ocekivao da ce mu to biti jedina GS titula, niti da posle te godine nikada nece biti ni blizu prvog mesta. Mora se priznati da ima iza sebe zaista odlicnu karijeru, ali sigurno nije to sve sto je on zeleo. Relativno je to.

Bio je od januara 2004. drugi sve do pojave Nadala, a onda treci sve do Djokovica, odnosno avgusta 2007.

Uvek moze bolje, i Federer i Nadal bi sigurno nasli neke stvari u karijeri koje bi voleli da isprave, ali sve u svemu, ostvario je karijeru kakvu 99.9 tenisera nikad ne ostvari.

Moram da priznam da mi se ne svidja ovaj farewell ton kojim pisemo :biggrin: , ja ocekujem jos neki veliki skalp, ako ne turnir do kraja karijere.

Ako nista drugo, Endi je sigurno jedan od najupornijih sportista danasnjice, i vracao se iz mnogo vecih down-a.

Jedino sto me brine jeste da li je i koliko motivacije jos ostalo...
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Re: Andy Roddick

Postby Gama » 01 Sep 2011, 13:45

The warts surfaced tonight, after Roddick needed four sets to get through Michael Russell in his first round night match. Did Andy somehow hear Brad Gilbert calling him a “poor man’s Andy Murray” after he lost the third set?

“I’m still trying to find myself.” Andy said to open his post match interview with ESPNs Chris Fowler (who’s a whipping boy around my house for all kinds of talking head inanity). “I’m not going to pretend I’m in championship form right now.”

Then Chris Fowler baited him with a “what does the media know, anyway?” kind of question. Is anyone surprised that Andy spoke his mind?

FOWLER: “You said you’re trying to find yourself and search. There’s a million people, a million voices. A lot of money. ESPN telling you how you should play. You shouldn’t do this. You should do that. Are you searching or is it clear to you?” (Yes, that’s Fowler’s version of jazz improv.)

RODDICK: “I’m convinced being a tennis analyst is the easiest job in the world. Whatever the person does, if it works you just say ‘that’s what works.’ If it doesn’t work you say ‘he should have done the other thing.’ So you know I’m pretty convinced I could be a tennis analyst when I’m done. . .it just doesn’t take much thought. If I’m grinding and I’m winning you guys are like ‘he’s reinvented himself,’ and if I’m playing like crap and pushing then it’s ‘he’s horrible and needs to hit the ball.’ Everyone’s an expert but I’m better than most have been. . .” Pauses for some Chris Fowler chorteling and then: “Hey you guys can take it too.”

Sure they can! Especially since Fowler was needling for just this kind of response! Anyone who’s spent one day in a tournament press room realizes pretty quick that most players worth their salt regard the media with a dirty dishwater mixture of indifference, fear and loathing. Everyone from Radwanska to Nadal feels exactly the same way as Roddick does – we’re just lucky that Roddick speaks the same smart ass language that we ESPN2 viewers do. As the game becomes increasingly international and polished, I enjoy that with this player, at least, absolutely nothing is lost in translation.

Andy did reportedly crack a smile this evening when asked about fellow Nebraskan Jack Sock, who he’ll play in the second round:

“I know he’s full of piss and vinegar, and he’s from Nebraska,” Roddick said in his press conference (via ESPN). “He sounds a little like an 18-year-old I knew once upon a time. I’m excited.”
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Re: Andy Roddick

Postby ivana23 » 03 Sep 2011, 11:10

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Re: Andy Roddick

Postby lord_slawe_ » 05 Sep 2011, 22:03

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Re: Andy Roddick

Postby Panta » 05 Sep 2011, 22:38

Udari mu u glavu plasman u osminu finala posle dugo vremena. :laugh:
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Re: Andy Roddick

Postby Gama » 09 Sep 2011, 11:49

The Roddick-Ferrer match that started Wednesday was supposed to resume Thursday morning on Louis Armstrong Stadium. But after playing two games -- to bring Roddick to a 4-2, first-set lead -- Roddick noticed water bubbling up from a crack behind a baseline. While play resumed all over the grounds, the players left the court and the crack was set upon with all manner of towel and hand-dryer. After an hour, tournament referee Brian Earley called the players back out to play. Roddick looked down at the spot. Then he looked at Earley.
"What is that?" Roddick said.
"Water," Earley said.
The two men left the court again and, under the stands, pressed Earley to put them on any available court -- now. Court 13 was open. It was 12:34 p.m. Time was bearing down on all four players in the bottom half of the Round of 16; the winner could well be facing four straight days of play. Every minute gained mattered. "Just put us on 13," Roddick told Earley. " I don't care where we go play. Let's just go play."
Thus began the stampede. The players hoisted their bags, and as Roddick and Ferrer, security, coaches, Roddick's wife Brooklyn Decker, ballboys and linespeople began migrating across the grounds, word spread. Every artery toward 13 filled.
"We had all the crazies out there, the people were sprinting from Louis Armstrong and now all of a sudden you could kind of feel it build as we were walking over there: 'What are they doing? They're playing on 13! Really?'" Roddick said. "You could feel the whole process taking place. It was kind of fun".

"It was a little bit of everything: We had some Van Morrison wannabe playing music in the courtyard, so we had a 'Brown-Eyed Girl' soundtrack for about two games there," Roddick said. "A couple people wanted to do commentary from the service line; I didn't think that was gonna work. There was a repetitive screaming from the courtyard at one point; it was actually kind of shrill. It was a little stressful. It sounded like someone was getting hurt. I don't know if that's what it's always like out there...."
"I didn't think Court 13 was in my future, but I probably could have promised you if it ever came to that I was just going to call it quits," Roddick said. "But extenuating circumstances, I guess."
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Re: Andy Roddick

Postby Liv » 09 Sep 2011, 12:24

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Re: Andy Roddick

Postby delgado » 09 Sep 2011, 14:12

Bravo Rodjo!!!
Teske price iz hooda!
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